Detroit Lakes Animal Hospital

1115 West River Road
Detroit Lakes, MN 56501



Curbside Care


Prescription Medication and Food:

1. Please call our hospital at least 1 week prior to needing refills of medications/prescription food to ensure they will be ready for pick up when needed. When you leave a message please leave your name, your pet’s name, medication/food needing filled and a good contact number to call you back

2. Once your items are ready for pick up one of our team members will contact you and collect payment prior to your arrival at our hospital.

3. Upon arrival choose a stall number to park in, call our hospital and choose the option to speak with a receptionist. This will ensure one of our team members will be out with your medication/food as quickly as possible.


Scheduled Appointments:

For doctor appointments, please call the Detroit Lakes Animal Hospital at 218-847-5674 and press the appropriate option number. A Veterinary Technician or Assistant will go over the appointment and any concerns you may have. We will then let you know when to meet our team member at the front door with your pet and you will be directed into the exam room. At this time we are only allowing one person to come in with their pet. We also ask that you remain in your exam room unless directed otherwise. After your appointment you will be checked out in your examination room or directed out of the clinic to await further test results, medical notes, etc and be checked out from there.

If you prefer or are unable to come in with your pet, we will continue to provide curbside service as previously performed through the COVID-19 pandemic. Please plan to stay in the parking lot until your pet’s appointment is over.

For technician appointments we are still performing curbside service as well. Please call our office when you arrive and a Veterinary Technician or Assistant will go over the appointment with you. They will then meet you to transfer your pet to their care for their appointment.

Please plan to stay in the parking lot until your pet’s appointment is over.

During all interactions we ask that you wear a mask that fully covers your nose and mouth. The mask should be worn at all times, even if you are fully vaccinated. We also ask that we practice social distancing as much as possible.


For Complete Curbside Service:

1. Upon arrival choose a stall number to park in, call our hospital and either choose the option for a technician appointment or choose the option for a doctor appointment depending on what type of appointment you are there for that day. Provide the team member your information, stall number you are parked in and a contact phone number to reach you at.

2. A technician will call you back to collect necessary information for your appointment over the phone.

3. Next, a team member will come out to your car to collect your pet.

4. Once inside the hospital, your pet will be weighed, a doctor will perform an examination and any necessary services previously requested.

5. The doctor will call you with an update and any concerns regarding your pets visit as well as any further diagnostics recommended. Once discussed the further diagnostics agreed upon will be done.

6. Your technician will then wrap up the appointment and answer any remaining questions.

7. Card payment can be taken over the phone or if you would prefer to pay with cash or check we will obtain this when we bring your pet and medical notes and/or medications back to your vehicle.



Call 218-847-5674

Press Option #2 for a Receptionist